QUEEN FARAH PEHLEVI (15-EKIM-1938-...) 15.Ekim.1938'de Tahran'da dunyaya geldi. Babasi merhum Sohrab Diba Iran ordusuna mensup bir subaydi. St.Cyr okulundan mezun olduktan sonra Paris'te hukuk tahsili yapmis ve kizi Farah, ilkokul 2. siniftayken hayata gozlerini yummustu...
O andan itibaren Bayan Faride Diba hayatini kizinin yetistirilmesi
isine adadi...
Ogrenci Farah Diba Tahran'da Jeanne D'arc ve Razi okullarinda
okudu ve tabii ilimler bolumunden mezun oldu.Daha sonra Paris'e giderek
mimarlik okuluna devam etti.24.Aralik.1959'da Iran Sahi Riza PEHLEVI
ile evlenerek Iran Kralicesi oldu.

Kralice'ligi oyle gosterisliydiki dunya medyasi pesinden kosuyordu.
Iran'in en sasali donemini Sah ile yasadi.

Empress Farah's Life
Farah Diba was born October 14, 1938 to Sohrab Diba and Farideh Ghotbi. Her father, who died when she was young, was a captain for the Imperial Iranian Army and a direct descendent of the Prophet Mohammed (pbuh), making her a Seyyed. Her youth was characterized by a love for all things of art but also discipline and pride in Iran. Farah was educated in Tehran for part of her youth, picking up French as well as fluid Persian and English along the way, and went to architectural school in Paris. It was there in 1958 that she would meet the Shah, an event that would change her life-and Iran.
After the divorce of the Shah and Soraya Esfandiari, Farah's talents and integrity caught the eye of the emperor. They were married on December 21, 1959, and soon afterwards Farah became the proud mother of four children: two sons, Reza Cyrus and Ali Reza, and two daughters, Farahnaz and Leila. On October 21, 1967, Farah was crowned Empress of Iran as the White Revolution went into full gear, marking the beginning of a new era for women's rights and modernization. Her most defining feature was her role as a leader in building the infrastructure for her country's arts and humanitarian programs. Hospitals and museums sprung up around Iran at Farah's initiative, giving the country much of its modern foundation.
In only a generation, Iran had come from being a backward, exploited nation to the pride of the Middle East. Its people were prosperous, proud of their culture, and emerging as a force to be reckoned with. Farah and the Shah made every attempt to train their children to stand for the people as well, and they managed to juggle busy schedules and maintaining a happy family. They were devoutly Muslim, regularly visiting the holy shrines of Shi'at Islam, and always believed they were doing God's work by building a modern nation. Iran's oil supply cannot last forever, and the Shah and Farah made sure to plan for the future by diversifying Iran's industries.
In 1979, however, the Islamic Revolution unseated the monarchy and the Pahlavi family left Iran. This began a painful year as Farah witnessed not only the death of her husband but also the invasion of her beloved country. It was a dark hour for every Iranian, but the war eventually passed. Freedom, however, did not come to Iran and the nation came under the rule of a regime which has since isolated the country from the world and contributed to its economical downfall. Farah has not given up, however, and continues to support her nation in its quest for economic, democratic, and spiritual freedom. She supports no government that does not allow the people to have a voice, and continues to encourage Iranians in all walks of life to choose their own destinies.
Empress Farah Diba Pahlavi
Imparatorice Farah Diba icin hazirlanan bu sitenin devami dev boyutlu bir arsivin halkasi olarak acilmistir.